opened 12:28PM - 11 Aug 22 UTC
### Description
This bug is a bit mysterious: In two instances, I noticed that …there are commit notifications missing on my dashboard. I first noticed this problem this week after updating to version 1.17.0. Until last week, we ran version 1.16.6.
To be more precise:
- The repository belongs to an organization. I am the owner of the organization, and I am in the list of watchers.
- The users are **not** in the list of watchers themselves (but that should not affect the content of my dashboard...)
- The users whose commits do not show on my dashboard have both been added as external collaborators to the repo.
- When entering the repository itself, the commits are displayed as expected.
- The repository is also placed at the top in the overview panel of all repositories on the right-hand side of the dashboard, as it should after recent activities.
- When toggling the dashboard view from my user view to the organization view, the commits are still not shown.
- I have not been able to reproduce this behavior when creating a new dummy repo with a new dummy user account.
- I would rather not like to bother my external collaborators with helping to narrow down the bug.
The notifications have been missing on two different days from two different users. Commit notifications from regular members of the organization always show up, so far.
### Gitea Version
### Can you reproduce the bug on the Gitea demo site?
### Log Gist
_No response_
### Screenshots
_No response_
### Git Version
### Operating System
Debian 11
### How are you running Gitea?
Our server runs with one of the binaries offered here on GitHub.
### Database